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    Jupiter Kartik Year begins from 2/6/2024 and lasts till 9/6/2025 ..This year there will be dominated by wild fires cyclones tornadoes etc more than previous year. Also temperatures will be higher than previous years winds and fires will be erratic Northern regions will be more affected. There is every possibility of wars flaring up. Especially from 8/7/24 to 27/7/24 mars transits krittika nakshatra during this Jupiter Kartik year. World leaders to be very cautious before a major war erupts during this JUPITER KARTIK YEAR unexpectedly as Uranus remains in Krittika nakshatra for more than a year of this Kartik Year. Saturn enters Purvabhadra nakshatra on 6/4/24 and remains there along with Neptune for a very long period of time till 28/4/2025…Rough seas huge tides oceanic storms etc can be expected.

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