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    Jupiter Year is Ashadha Year from 7/1/2020 to 11/2/2021  This Year monsoon will vary from places to places some regions with famine  and world leaders likely to be at loggers heads.

    Jupiter & Saturn remain in uttarashadha nakshatra together an event after many years between 8/3/2020/ to 26/7/2020 and 3o/10/2020 to 7/1/2021 this indicate there will be lot of differences amongst people as well as the ruling leaders Caution is required by world leaders  to maintain mutual harmony or the situations may get out of control Lot of effort will be required to prevent bad effects of Climate Change and Lot of temperature rises are expected in the world environment more than the previous years.

    From 17 march 2020 to 6th April Mars enters  uttarashadha nakshatra therefore during this period Pluto Saturn, Jupiter & Mars are together in one nakshatra Extra care to be taken by all world leaders to take caution in all matters Mercury enters Pisces on 7/4/2020 at 14:21hrs ISTand after passing through Aries enters Taurus on 9/5/2020 till such time problems connected to coronavirus will not ease Saturn becomes retrograde on 11/5/2020 and Jupiter becomes retrograde on  14/5/2020 Venus on 13/5 /2020 they respectively become direct on 29/9/2020 and 13/9/2020 .Venus becomes direct on  25/6/2020.All this indicates no early relief from problems created by Corona Pandemic.Expect relief from 7/12/2020.Jupiter and Saturn become conjunct on 21/12/2020 after which relief in situations may be witnessed till such time caution by world leaders to be maintained

    A detailed method of medical diagnosis as well as the  strength and weakness of all organs & systems and many more  can be taught personally to medical students  and practitioners of Acupuncture,Ayurvedic and Homeopathic holistic healing methods.You can contact Mr.Arun Shah on mail id  arunshah2005@yahoo.com or mobile number 9892546121 for the medical diagnosis course.

     Developing Software App in connection with above and will be informed accordingly at an appropriate date.

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